
knitting for beginners
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sock ! (2)

sock ! (1) is here  note : les termes non expliqués se trouvent déjà dans la colonne de droite !

Continue stockinette stitch  until the sock reaches the point where your leg connects to your foot.
until = jusque
reach = atteindre
leg = jambe

Begin Gusset
Decide which needle will be the gusset/heel needle.
Round 1
Gusset needle: k2, inc1, knit to second-to-last stitch, inc1, k2.
Instep needle: Knit.
Round 2
Repeat these two rounds until the heel/gusset needle contains  two less stitches than your total number of stitches. For 54 stitches, you would repeat until you had 52 stitches on the needle). 
Turn Heel
Place a marker at the center of the heel/gusset needle. You should have 23 stitches on each side (46 total).
gusset = gousset = augmentations pour le talon
Vous choisissez quelle moitié de vos mailles sera le haut (=instep), laquelle sera le bas (=gusset).
round = tour
second to last : avant-avant dernier
repeat = répéter
two = 2
less = moins
Donc, si votre nombre total est N, vous devez arrêter les augmentations quand vous avez N-2 sur l'aiguille du talon/de la semelle.

Turn Heel
Place a marker at the center of the heel/gusset needle. 
If you are using 54 stitches, then you would have (54-2)/2=26 stitches on each side of the marker or 52 total.
Knit to 2 stitches beyond the marker. k2tog, k1, turn. Pull the yarn tight.
Slip 1 purlwise. Purl to 2 stitches beyond the marker, SSP, p1, turn. Pull the yarn tight.
SSP: Slip 2 stitches knitwise. Move them back to the LH needle and purl them together through the back loop. Or just work a P2 together if you would rather.
*Turn. Slip 1, knit back to the gap, knit the stitch before and after the gap together. Knit 1.
Turn. Slip 1, purl back to the gap, purl the stitch before and after the gap together. Purl 1.*
Repeat these two rows until you have one stitch left on each side. 
turn = tourner
center = centre
marker = marqueur (un fil de laine)
beyond = au delà
pull the yarn tight = bien serrer le fil
purlwise = comme si on tricotait à l'envers (fil devant)
back loop = brin arrière
gap = trou
side = côté

DONC, STOP quand il reste 1 (peut-être 2) mailles de chaque côté

the end very soon !

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